What is it that happens to us when we become grandparents? We begin to act and think differently, I think. Last week as I was "bonding" with the new grandsons in Texas, I began to look at how different the twins are. Finn is the lanky one with narrow long feet and slender fingers and very defined, small facial features. What a handsome kid (even if he is my grandson). And Miles is the "stout" baby with the deep wrinkles in the arms and legs; the short stubby fingers and large hands; the square feet with toes all the same length; and the chubby, pinch-able cheeks. What a handsome kid (even if he is my grandson). They are just recipients of different traits from the same gene pool.
Miles's Hand |
While spending time with them I began to think about the hands. Miles's hands remind me of my father's broad, sturdy but gentle hands - hands that did hard physical work and also offered kind, gentle care and reassurance. Finn's hands remind me of his own loving mother who uses her hands to nurture her three boys, prepare their food, guide their play and their learning, care for their needs, and at the end of a long day gently caress their precious heads as they sleep.
Finn's Hand |
I remember my mother's hands as she prepared food for our family. They moved in a rhythm that was almost like a dance as she snapped beans or peeled peaches. Hard as I try, I cannot achieve that movement. I remember her hands as she caressed fabrics and manipulated the fabric into patterns and shapes that became quilts made with love and care. She had such a way with handling fabrics that I constantly try to emulate. Those were loving hands that created beauty, both physical and "spiritual", that she shared with those of us near her.
Hands are an extension or manifestation of our personality in a way. They can hurt or they can heal. They can destroy or they can sustain. They can be idle or they can be creative. Watch as people around you use their hands - how differently they employ their hands in day's time. Hands tell stories of life. I hope all the stories from my hands are uplifting!
At Heirlooms & Comforts this week we will feature the continuation of the Carolina Shop Hop. We are offering three items as allowed by the shop hop rules for your consideration:
- Clover Silk Pins with glass heads is the notions item on special at 25% off. These pins do not skew your fabrics when pinned because they are so skinny.
- Carolina Comforts is the book resulting from Robin Culbertson's compilation of quilt patterns from the 13 participating shops in the hop.
- Sophie's Choice block kit, styled by our friend and customer Sophie Hart, is the block that H&C contributed to the theme of Civil War Reproduction style fabric/pattern for 2011. $6 per kit is the price.
See the quilt that Judy designed using the 13 blocks from the shop hop participating shops. It is hanging in the front of the store for your viewing pleasure.
Reproduction Interest Club
At Heirlooms & Comforts Joan Grove and Sarah Parham are organizing a group with interest in reproduction style fabrics and quilt patterns. This is intended to be a group that meets to share ideas, sewing tips, and challenges based on antique fabrics in reproduction. There are numerous fabric vendors who offer styles that have been directly inspired/copied from museum quilts and fabrics from all eras in the history of fabric weaving and printing. The organization meeting is being held on Monday, July 18 at 10:00am at H&C. Come for this brief meeting with pen and paper and your calendar to offer input into how the group will interact to learn more about period fabrics and design. What fun to make reproduction pieces and challenge each other! Come find out what these two talented ladies have come up with. No charge.