Sunday, May 27, 2012


The time of our childhood influences our attitudes so much!

That time of parental and cultural input really makes us what we are, I think. My brother and I were greatly influenced in our attitudes by the experiences of our youth and the leadership of our parents. We were taught to honor and respect those who fought for the rights and freedoms of our nation and what a patriotic commitment required of the individual who made that commitment, even to the sacrifice of one's life for the sake of the nation. We were fortunate that our father was just old enough, I guess, to not be drafted in the time of World War II. However, some extended family members were active in the Great War and some even gave their lives. For that reason I am more aware of that war that our country participated in than others. The impact of that war came closer to my family than did others. It is natural for me to be reverent and be grateful for those who sacrificed for the nation because of my up-bringing. Hopefully I have inspired that awe in my children and that they can pass that respectful attitude on to the grandchildren.

Give thanks and remember the fallen ones. Express your gratitude and celebrate your freedom!

H&C Feature of the Week: Clean off the Bolt
At Heirlooms & Comforts this week we will feature Clean Off the Bolt Week. In celebration of Memorial Day this week we will also punch your Fab Card for fabric purchases including the Clean Off the Bolt purchases. That means that when you buy all that remains on a bolt you can also get your card punched for the purchase amount. Whoo-hoo! We have never done that before as I can remember. Only this week and only to help you be aware of Memorial Day. It is like this: regular Clean Off the Bolt discounts of 25% on regular price fabric when you take all on the bolt or another 10% off a sale price fabric when you take all on the bolt PLUS we will punch your Fab Card. Take advantage of our craziness now. It may never happen again.

Schedule Reminders
Summer schedule reminders:
  • Memorial Day, May 28 - Closed
  • Independence Day, July 4 - Closed July 4, 5, 6, and 7.
  • Carolina Shop Hop - July 13-21.
  • Sewing Camp for Kids - July 23-26

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