Sunday, May 8, 2011

Honor Mother

Remember well and with a smile your mother or a mother who is special to you. Express how special she is and make your gratitude known by telling others about her. For those of you who are mothers, remember the great responsibility you have for raising a good citizen who will become a contributing adult in the world in which we will live. This sounds quite a bit like a sermon with all the admonitions. However, it is true. Motherhood is a great sorority and I am proud to be a member of this group. My children and grandchildren bring me joy constantly. That is not to say that we have not had "growth experiences" along the way and even to this day. We are a family of mutual experiences.

Today I again pay tribute to my own mother who taught me so many lessons in life about how to live it for the benefit of myself and others around me. Her axioms to live by resonate in my life daily: Do unto others as you would have them do to you. Have a leg to stand on and stand your ground. Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart. Be willing to say you were wrong when it is true. Don't tell me you "will try to do" something; just do it.

I could continue to quote, but you get the idea. Even my children use quotes from their Mema in management meetings in their jobs. These are imposing when they come out in a formal setting and are apropos. Our sons say people stop in their tracks to consider when they hear the "Mema-isms". My essays regarding Mema are many and long, too long for this venue. Let it suffice to say that living in her house and feeling her spirit around me has been an inspiration and motivation many times for "standing" and for caring for others. Maybe I said, "I love you, and thanks"; but was it often enough?

H&C Feature of the Week: Double Punches
At Heirlooms & Comforts this week we will feature DOUBLE PUNCHES when you purchase batiks fabrics. That means when you purchase $5 worth of batik yardage we will punch your Fabric Card for a $10 purchase. That means filling in the entire card much faster. That means getting your $20 value redemption sooner. This week only, get double punches on the purchase of batik fabrics.

Orphaned Class
There is a class scheduled for May 12 (this Thursday) that missed the summer schedule list. Paper Piecing in the Hoop will be held on Thursday, May 12 at Heirlooms & Comforts from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Click here to get a list of supplies that you will need for this class. You will love the accuracy of this method - never loose a point in piecing New York Beauty this way. Call now to complete registration for Paper Piecing in the Hoop!

Last Day to Qualify for 20% Off
As announced last week, if you complete class registration (sign up and pay up tuition) by May 14 you are eligible for 20% off the purchase of supplies listed by the instructor for the class you are taking. Don't let this slip past you; last day to qualify for 20% off listed class supplies is Saturday, May 14. The discount then ends with the first session of the class you are taking.
View our Class Schedule Online

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