This is Naaman here. I am the big brother to Miles and Finn who just got born about 10 days ago. Life is really different around here. Grandma and Grandpa came to visit and it has only been three months since they were here last. But the babies are here now and they show up to ooooh and aaaah over them. They gave me some attention too while they were here. Grandpa is pretty cool, you know. He helped Dad and me build a gate for the new fence between us and the neighbor. She was nice enough about the construction on the fence so Dad and I offered to put her a new gate between her front and back yards. The tools are what I like. Grandpa was telling me how he likes tools too. He uses ones that are not as noisy as the big ones Dad and I use. My favorites are the electric drill and the leaf blower. The shop vac is nice; it is pretty noisy. Dad has taught me to wear my goggles when using tools to protect my eyes. They get kinda hot and make me sweat, but sweating is a macho thing to do when you are working - looks like you are really doing something. Anyway, Grandpa, Dad and I work pretty well together. Only thing is, when I start to be insistent about something they start saying stuff about me getting on toward two years old. They better watch it cause I have seen some of those two-year-olds and how they operate. I could do what they do if they don't let me do what I want. Maybe I'll hold off on that and spring it on them when they least expect it. Maybe a good time would be when Miles and Finn get too much of the attention around here. So far it has gone pretty well for me. Dad is going back to work full time tomorrow so it could get to be difficult for me when I want something. We'll see what has to happen. Too bad Grandpa and Grandma can't stay a really long time. Really my Nana and Poppie come more often and they will take my side any time I get slighted - so does my Aunt Sissy. Oh, well I just thought I would write again for Grandma since she does this every week and I could give her a break. Go into Heirlooms and Comforts often to see Grandma. She loves when you come. She told me so!
Naaman Ballentine
H&C Feature of the Week: Katagami Collection
At Heirlooms & Comforts this week we will feature the Katagami collection of prints from Red Rooster Fabrics. Just arrived is this beautiful two-color print group in cream and navy. There is a koi print that is outstanding and a stripe with a crane figure as well as some prints with pine boughs and mums. There is a strikingly pretty pattern available on the Red Rooster web site as well. You have to see this; it is really nice.
Classroom Model 875Q Special
At Heirlooms & Comforts we have several units of classroom model Sapphire 875Q machines. These are super for quilters who want the extra space to manage a large quilt in the quilting process. The extended sewing surface gives room for manipulating the bulk of the quilt as you machine quilt. The Exclusive Sensor System on this machine is also an asset for the machine quilter, not to mention the Selective Thread Cutter and the automatic tension control. You just need to see these machines and sew on one to see how wonderful the 875Q is for you. The price is GREAT and the supply is limited.
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